Monday, August 24, 2009

Later is Now

Don't put off until later those things you've always wanted to do. You may think you'll have more time in the future. Not true. Ask any retired person. They'll tell you they get up in the morning, turn around and it's eleven p.m. and the day is over. Find the time to do the things you love right now. Here's how I do it:

I combine— work on craft activities and/or ride my stationary bike while watching television, listen to French DVDs while driving, work out scenes for my novel and record the ideas into a small recorder while on my walk.

I find and use little slots of time—What do you do while waiting for the coffee to brew? for the doctor/dentist to appear? for your husband to get ready? during television commercials? standing in line somewhere? Depending on the situation, I may read my current novel, check my garden plants, or strum a chord or two on my newest passion, the guitar.

The point is: Later is now, so this is the time to do it.

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